2010年9月23日 星期四


Looked familiar with that place? I bet you know what I'was hunting for....

Round the corner of the Chinese temple in China town.

There is a Chinese traditional bakery.

Everytime I go to China town, I can't help making myslef there. 

It might be the best crispy egg tart and pineapple bun in Singapore.

I've been very keen into crispy egg tart.

After a small bite, I'm sure you 'll never regret trying it.


What a big contrast between modern and traditional!

Goodbye, my glasses!

Oh, my glasses! I was onced can't live without you. 

But I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye! 


It was the sort of day that I could relax my mind and felt how refresh I was!


2010年9月17日 星期五

Pinky 4 years old birthday!

時間過得好快, 話咁快pinky 4歲了. My Little Babe, 我還是很愛你哦!


忽然想玩DSLR. 投資攝影器材真係好貴, 不宜心急. 要慢慢做research.

最後決定先買部DC仔玩住先, 我買了olympus mju 5010. 2010 Jan 出推.

不是最新款,  我愛它輕巧. 功能能滿足到我的需要便算了. 有比較過

Canon Ixus 系列 和 Canon S95, 最後還是選擇輕巧的Olympus.

聞說用Canon S95 拍夜景不需用腳架. 鏡頭是半專業鏡. 曾經為之

而心動. 但考慮到size and price. 都係唔好喇. 等我買了部DSLR之後


MODEL: pinky ( The photos can not truely review the quality of the camera.

I' not professional photographer)



了上facebook. 所以遲遲都沒有update這個blog.還在自學階段,所以不是做

得很美. 經過研究和實驗後, 心得是有了.希望來年做得更好. 看看我今年

的製成品...送了給和藹可親的mommy dearest 和cat lover. 甜美可愛的大傻.

還有本來想送給jhouse. 希望各位笑納. 祝各位中秋節快樂!