2010年9月23日 星期四


Looked familiar with that place? I bet you know what I'was hunting for....

Round the corner of the Chinese temple in China town.

There is a Chinese traditional bakery.

Everytime I go to China town, I can't help making myslef there. 

It might be the best crispy egg tart and pineapple bun in Singapore.

I've been very keen into crispy egg tart.

After a small bite, I'm sure you 'll never regret trying it.


What a big contrast between modern and traditional!

6 則留言:

  1. 嘩, 超正的蛋撻, 我都好似係呢間買過蛋撻.  菠蘿包望落好正, 真係睇見流口水呀
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:31:00]yes. they are so tempting!

  2. Oh this one I tried before! It is super nice!
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:31:00]yes, agree with you!

  3. Yes dear, my parents LOVED the egg tarts from this bakery more than the one next to Maxwell Market.  When they came about 10 yrs ago, they found this bakery and told ME about it, heeee.... I like their chicken pies too; it used to be only 60 cents per piece ja!
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:30:00]I haven' t tried Maxwell Market yet. Thx for introduce. wow now chicken pie costs 90cents liao.

  4. wow~at least few year never reach there enjoy egg tart leh...
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:29:00]I passed by China town, otherwise I will not go there too.

  5. 多謝介紹...我唔知呢度有D咁既好野...個菠蘿包睇落真係似模似樣...遲下等我好返,要去買黎食下先~~
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:29:00]試吓啦, 我真係認為係最好食㗎喇.

  6. 唔錯架!每次出牛車水買餸, 我地都會喺嗰處買蛋撻,菠蘿包仔俾我位高齡奶奶食架!
    [版主回覆10/14/2010 14:28:00]孝順身抱!
