前文提到我有位鋼琴學生, 應該是位數理天才, 閒時在家做實驗那種.
他今年9 歲. 他媽媽經常說, 他腦袋太過metrically, 希望學鋼琴能使他在
理性和感性之間得到平衡.是的, 彈鋼琴是需要情緒去表達. 看完以下
對話, 就知道"三歲定八十" 這句話是無錯的.
昨日是他的Grade 3 樂理考試. 考試完後, 我致電給他.
Me: Hi Ethan, how's your theory exam? Was it hard?
E: No, of course not. I finished in 1/2 hr.
Me: Did you double check or even triple check your exam paper?
E: Yes. Of course.
Me: Great! What did you do later? Falling asleep? Watching people doing their work?
E: No, I did measuring.
Me: What? You did measuring? Music theory got measuring?
E: I re-draw all the notes to make sure they are all 0.9 cm long and 1 cm equally apart.
Me: Hey boy, the exam requires you draw the notes neatly but you no need to draw
so precisely.
E: He sighed then said "For me, I need."
Wow 我都係尋日考Grade 3樂理喎, 全場最老係我呀,份卷真係好淺呀, 我之前做咁多past paper份份都深過佢,我老公話早知叫老師比我直接考grade 5喎,不過我覺得先考grade 3淺淺地等自已warm up下仲好啦,話哂十幾年冇考試喎呵?! 我都係好似你個學生咁考完check完走去畫番靚d音符呀,不過佢勁d,要all 0.9 cm long and 1 cm equally apart.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2009 19:50:00]佢把音符畫得o甘完美但係又無分加, 我聽日上堂就叫佢"傻仔".