2010年1月6日 星期三

Children Dance

在新加坡的Music School 教琴, 不止教鋼琴, 最好還要經常搞

音樂活動, 我每年都有搞student concert, 準備學生鋼琴比賽, 這是

我兩年前的Programme,  Summer Sounds at Victoria Concert Hall.

我負責編曲, 編舞, 排舞和籌備, 結他部份由結他老師負責. 

全部都是我的學生, 包括鋼琴伴奏. 結他部份除外. 領唱的是


My Programme Notes (written by me):

Summer Sounds 

"Summer sounds is an ever-lasting  popular singing calls.Dancers sing-along and

dance with the song under a direction of a caller. It was originally found in the

Southern United States and has roots in traditional country music. As the tune is

relaxing and melodious, it is always been chosen as music for line dance, circle dance

and square dance.

Tonight, our teacher rearranged the choreography to make it easy and fun to dance.

Children are joined by hands in chain simply repeat the same sequence of steps

for an entire song under the accompaniment of piano, guitars and choir.

The purpose of this program is to let students to dance well together as group

and enjoy music. Most importantly is to leave them a sweet memory in their



4 則留言:

  1. 嘩...你桃李滿天下, 向你salute!
    [版主回覆01/06/2010 22:08:00]咁又唔洗salute, 搵兩餐嗟.

  2. 真是桃李滿門!
    [版主回覆01/06/2010 22:06:00]希望沒有誤人子弟就好了!

  3. 好忙喎, 咁多野要搞, 係香港老師多數只是同學生報校際比賽及皇家音樂考試. 再唔係咪琴行一年一次表演. 您係呢度忙好多喎.
    [版主回覆01/06/2010 22:05:00]我都無諗過會咁忙, 一年一次咁少, 我係度一年搞四次小野, 一次大野啊.

  4. 勁! 仔仔女女一籮籮!
    [版主回覆01/08/2010 22:03:00]這是細仔細女, 還有大仔大女未亮相.
