圖中的水果名叫Custard Apple. 不知有沒有中文名, 無都唔出奇, 世上植物
千奇百怪. 但有別名, Bull's Heart. 公牛的心是這樣的嗎? 有一粒粒的硬外殼,
熟了後變軟, 用手輕易撕開吃, 果肉奶白色有黑色細核, 有少許似紅毛丹,
味道清甜不算濃郁. 愛吃與否, 見仁見智.
查看維基, 原來有很多醫療作用, 趕時間出去, 有興趣, 自己看吧.
The unripe fruit[1] has been used to assist against diarrhea and dysentery. The tree bark is used for skin and mucosae medicines and the seed bark contains useful tannins and astringents. The leaves are believed to have healing properties and have been used against tumors and cancers. The fruit of the plant, serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant, haematinic, and is useful in treating anemia. Paste of flesh of this plant or crushed leaves of the plant can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils..[2] The bark has been used on gums to relieve toothaches.[1]
呢d 香港好似係綠色的....唔係叫番鬼佬荔枝咩?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2009 14:26:00]剛剛查過資料, Custard Apple 和 番鬼佬荔枝 "sugar apple/ sweetsop" is different but belonged to the same species. That's why they have different skin color.