2010年12月8日 星期三


村上春樹的"挪威的森林" 終於拍成電影了, 11 dec 在日本上映.



~Black Swan~ 已上映

3 則留言:

  1. 村上春樹的"挪威的森林" I really want to watch this movie. I read the book many years ago. It was so impressive.
    [版主回覆12/09/2010 21:34:00]I suspected the " Norwegian wood" was banned in Sg. I can't find that book all over in Sg public library and bookstores.

  2. Why Norwegian wood has to be banned? Isn't it a love movie only??
    [版主回覆12/15/2010 11:16:00]I 'm not 100% sure it was banned or not. I can't find this book in any bookstores or libraries. However, I can found other books written by 村上春樹. I have read  some of his book like 聽風的歌. I found it involves more or less "Porn" in his writing style. May be due to this reason.

  3. 我又回來看看你了……

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