今天天氣清爽, Pinky媽帶小妹四處走, 來到我家附近的Punggol Park, 這裡綠草如茵, 園中有個湖, 湖的中央位置有一教堂尖頂, 如除去那排現代化的屋, 就很童話式了.這裡在週末日, 開放給公眾划艇.
Today the weather was fine. Pinky mum brought me look around. We came to the Punggol Park which nearby our house. We attracted by the greenish garden. There was a lake located in the heart of the park. If absence of the modern buildings, the sharp roof of the church stands in a picturesque's surroundings appears as fancy as in a fairytale. The lake is opened for the public for punting in weekends.
湖中餐廳 Lakeside restaurant -Bliss restaurant
BBQ site in the park
Church of Navity of Blessed Virgin Mary 聖母堂,
Pinky 媽都是在這裡做彌撒. Pinky mum also comes here for Messiah.
這是教堂的一旁, 每朝派發免費早,午餐給有需要的人, 歡迎各位做義工, 煮飯和洗碗. Pinky媽有空都會來.
In a corner of the church, free breakfast and free lunch are provided everyday for the neediness. All people are welcome to come here to be volunteer. Services like cooking and washing dishes. Pinky mum comes here when she's free.
附近又住了一位菩薩 Chinese Goddess, Pu-Sat also lives nearby my house.
佛寺在旁 Buddha is living beside her....
還有我家對面, 正興建回教寺, 真係滿天神佛!
Right opposite my house, a Moss is building in progress. Countless worship in my surrounding!