牛奶和忌廉的滑, 雞蛋和雲呢拿的香, 焦糖的甜, 形成了這個
Cream Brulee 焦糖法式布丁
6 個份量 ~ 雞批模
蛋黃 150gm , 忌廉 400gm , 牛奶 200gm , 糖 90gm , 雲呢拿香油 1 tsp
1. 所有材料拌勻過濾.
2. 把材料倒進塗了牛油的模內.
3. 烤盤放水焗150度 1 小時
4. 冷卻後, 表面加糖, 用燒至表面金黃即可.
( 我是用蒸的方法, 蒸15-20分鐘至凝固, 如同燉蛋, 出來的比焗的滑溜)
在家工作很方便, 但又很悶, 什麼地方都不能去, 如同在家坐牢, 我需要玩烹飪
最近也有燉蛋, 用soufle杯, 蛋+奶250ml, 水滾後蒸12mins, 剛剛盈故, 邊無bubble, 好靚仔!
回覆刪除你懂得如何解壓, 好叻吖~
[版主回覆03/11/2010 12:08:00]呢個唔係exactly 燉蛋, 加了 cream 和 vanilla, 味道好香濃. 我覺蒸好過焗, 無咁乾, 會滑 d.
我係樂天派, 自我減壓是本能.
Same here, I love cooking too. Release the stress and productive.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2010 12:00:00]Now I totally indulge in cooking.
哈哈, 我老公有吱打火機咁嘅火槍, 可唔可以咁用架呢.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2010 11:59:00]要燒耐一陣, 你果支可能會 "辣" 手.
Where did you get the "torch", is it expensive??? 燉蛋 is Sonny's famous dessert, he only makes it once or twice a year as my birthday treat or Mother's Day dessert. Love creme brulee but don't have that torch, do they have it here?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2010 12:15:00]Yes. I brought it at Phoon Huat. S$25 for 1. But not included butane gas. If you buy it at Phoon Huat, remember don't buy the butane gas there cuz the connection is not match. You can buy the torch at Phoon Huat, and butane gas at other home-stuff store.
It's smooth and fragant. I think Sonny Dearest may like it.
左邊係Shangrila hotel出品, 右邊是中國出品;
我話如用燉蛋法, 不用蒸15-20mins, 邊有bubble, 已過老了!
[版主回覆03/11/2010 12:23:00] 果然係食家!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/12/2010 10:52:00]你又叫你工人整黎食啦, 好易整架乍.
在家工作很好呢, 係office 工作唔止係坐牢, 環境差兼要對住d"獄卒"
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/12/2010 10:55:00]哈哈, 你說得對! 我都是不要complian 了.
回覆刪除Can I use this ar? it is actually a lighter.. but seems very powerful
[版主回覆03/13/2010 21:21:00]應該得喎, 你果支仲型仔喇.
ya.. it cost me ard $15
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2010 09:32:00]For 2 ? I see 2 lighters in yr photo. They are cute!