2010年3月30日 星期二


復活節快到, 本來想造十字麵包應節, 但今天的工作時間表改了, 就來

造一個簡單的scones 英格蘭鬆餅當早餐. 製作時間只需半小時. 配我喜愛

的 Apricot Jam 和 Lipton 的 lemon ginger tea. I was totally refreshed by the

fruit fragant.

::::8 Scones recipe ::::

(A)125gm Plain flour  ;  1 tbsp Baking Podwer ;  1/2 tbsp milk podwer

1/8 tsp nutmeg podwer  

(B) Pinch of salt ; 20gm sugar;

(C) 25 butter ;

(D) 75ml Milk

(E) 45gm Rasins

1. Mix A with B then well blended.

2. Add C make it into crumb

3. Add D make it into dough leave for 15mins

4. Roll the dough into 2cm and cut 5cm rounded shape.

5. Brush egg yolk and bake 200C for 15-20mins. Serve...


3 則留言:

  1. I could imagine how enjoyable you were when you were having a cup of refreshing tea with your homemade scones
    [版主回覆03/30/2010 11:20:00]Oh we all enjoy our successful homemade food, that why we have the same feeling.

  2. and looking out the window admiring the clear blue sky
    [版主回覆03/31/2010 14:10:00]Fantastic!

  3. 整得好靚呀, 大少至愛scone.
    [版主回覆03/31/2010 14:10:00]大少至愛scone, 因為你整得好囉!
