2009年11月27日 星期五


Pinky 嘴裡咬住對拖鞋走過來, 氣急敗壞地說:  " 媽咪, 都未到驚蟄, 咁快囉定

d小人出o黎打? "

我笑到人仰馬翻, " Pinky, 你係邊到學識"打小人" 呢家野架? "

Pinky: " 我未係睇"宮心計" 學返黎過囉."  

我說: " Pinky, "打小人" 係咀咒人, 唔好o既野黎, 你千萬唔好學啊! 我呢d係聖誕

薑餅人, 用來應節和祝福人的" 

Pinky: " 咁我有無份?"

我說: "Pinky 都有, 我已經找到個"特別給你" 的食譜了"

我畫的還有音樂符號, 係咪好可愛?  提醒各位, 今年要做聖誕雜果蛋糕/ 麵包

的話. 現在要開始用酒浸乾果了.

以上食譜來至各大網, blog, 不盡錄.

2 則留言:

  1. So cute!!!!
    [版主回覆11/29/2009 22:07:00]Thanks! crystal.

  2. This Gingerbread man Fresh out from oven~Look so Cute and Yummy !
    I guess it will also be a sweet gift for your friends too~
    U are very creative with musical notes
    [版主回覆11/29/2009 22:06:00]Thanks! Some of them are for my piano students. It inspires me to draw musical notes.
