2009年11月29日 星期日


18XX 年, 格林兄弟走遍德國鄉間小鎮, 搜羅了各種德國民間故事,

結合成一本巨啟發性的經典兒童讀物~ 格林童話.

200年後的我, 相信如果我把我學生們的真實趣事紀錄下來, 不久將來,

都可以效法格林兄弟, 出一本 "兒童爆笑集".


Story A

我有兩個學生, 是孿生兄妹來, 感情不好, 經常吵架. 一次我去他們家

上堂, 他們又因為一些芝麻綠豆小事嘈起上來. 最後,

我按捺不住說, "Hey, you're brother and sister, pls respect each other."

Sister say, " I totally hate him!".

Brother say, " I also hate her on the whole!."

我不知嬲好還是笑好,  唯有扮正經地說,

" If you keep slapping each other, I hate both of you completely!" 


Story B

C同學俏皮地告訴我, " At home, my mum only wear underwear.

She 's even walking around the house."

我難為情地說, "Wow! That's your mum 's private life. You'd better

don't tell anyone. Keep it by yourself!"

C同學若無其事地答, " Oh, it's too late. I've told everybody at the school already!"


Story C

一次學生group class 聚會中, 同學E 遲到了大半句鐘, 我忙於攪活動, 都

無時間問他遲到的理由. 誰知他大庭廣眾,

主動地說," Teacher, you know why I'm so late today?"


E: " Because my mum passed motion for an half hour. I'm waiting for her,

that's why I'm late." 

我說," Hey, I know you told me the truth. But if this happened again, 

needless to tell me.you are embarrassing your mum."

E: "Really meh? next time I ll say she 's passing urine instead."

Me: " Ha ha, whatever!!."


Story D

我有教group Class 的, 一次活動的Topic 是音樂之父~ J.S Bach.

我依書直說 " J.S Bach was born in Germany...bla..bla. bla...He was not only

a great composer in the world but also a great organist....bla...bla..bla..

You know he had 2 wives and 20 daughters and sons...bla..bla..bla.."

說到這時, 同學們有反應" wow!! 20 daughters and sons..so many...."

一位同學說," Teacher, you know why he had so many kids?"

另一位答, " I know because he 's not only had 2 wives, actually he had some more...

but never tell people...!"

另一位同學答了一個最佳答案..."Teacher, you said he was a great organist ,right?

because he was always busy to play his "organ" for his whole life!" 

 (他指的organ 是human organ 明唔明?) 

這位同學, 將來前途一定無可限量!  

2 則留言:

  1. That's why I never plan have any kids in the future~~~
    [版主回覆11/29/2009 21:56:00]But on the other hand, they also bring you joy.

  2. 現在的小孩子常會把大人搞到好氣 又好笑 ...可是又不能不佩服他們的Creativity呢 !
    [版主回覆11/29/2009 21:53:00]童言無忌, 這是小孩子的特權,想說什麼便說什麼.  待他們長大後才知有些事是不能說.
