為了和 Pinky 共嘗漢堡包滋味, 我甘願吃無糖和無鹽的麵包.
右圖, 已跟足食譜程序, 誰知出爐後麵包皮硬如石頭..! Luckily 裡面
因為給狗狗吃, 牛肉不用醃, 加少許水, 攪拌至肉餅狀, 然後用手握成團,
成牛肉丸, 把牛肉丸放在易潔鑊煎, 不用加油! 牛肉自己會出油. 最後用鑊
睇Pinky笑得多開心, 流曬口水 兼飛撲上來.
Pinky 的漢堡包有生菜, 漢堡和一片雞蛋.
自己食的就加芝士, 番茄, 生菜,雞蛋, 漢堡, chilli , BBQsauce.
有其他醬汁, 就完全吃不出個飽沒有糖鹽.
:::Dog Dog Burger Recipe:::
400gm Bread Flour
1 tbsp Milk powder
2 tsps Instant yeast
30gm shortening
about 250ml water
( for 80gm X 4 burgers; 60 gm X 4 hotdog buns ;
35gm X 2 min dog burgers)
1.All powder mixed well with water until smooth then add shortening.
2. Prove for 45 mins until double size the dough.
3. Divide the dough into portons. 60gm..80gm..35gm..
4. prove for 15mins then flatten and continue prove for another 45mins.
5. Brush with water and sprinkle sesame
6. Bake for 190C 12~15mins, serve.