2010年4月27日 星期二

笑話: 逃學

Pinky-ma 對Pinky 說,

, " Pinky, 你今年都三歲幾了, 明年春天, 媽咪幫你報讀k1, 上學去, 好唔好啊?"

 念念有詞道,  "唔好! 春天不是讀書天, 春天潮濕多雨, 是細菌滋生

的季節, 很容易被其他小狗友傳染到傳染病的."

  ," 咁夏天啦, 夏天去讀書啦" 

 , " No-way! 夏日炎炎正好眠! 叫我去讀書, 我會打瞌睡的!

, " 咁秋天啦, 秋高氣爽."

, "Kidding me! 秋風秋雨愁煞人! 咁傷感的季節, 我讀書時會喊的."

 , " 咁冬天啦, 又唔潮濕, 又唔熱, 又唔傷感."

 , " 冬天? 全部小狗友都去冬眠啦, 仲邊有人返學架?"

 " 一年四季都悟得, 咁你幾時先去讀書呢?"

Pinky -ma 醒起, "Hey! 我地住係新加坡, 全年都是夏天, 邊有春秋冬三季咖?

Pinky! Pinky!"

Pinky 早已溜走, 不知躲在哪裡去了!  

Pinky 最會念的打油詩:

"春天不是讀書天, 夏日炎炎正好眠,

秋有蚊蟲冬有雪, 收拾書箱待明年. "

2 則留言:

  1. Hehe so funny!
    Have you heard about the new musical in London call "Love never die"
    Mat just brought it to me I have listen part of the CD yesterday. I wish I can watch the musical one day in London.
    [版主回覆04/30/2010 10:39:00]A new musical come out finally, Cats and Les Miserables performed a decade already. I didn't know that new musical. Think must be a good show. I want to watch a real one if got chance. Mat is so considerable.

  2. (Empty)
    [版主回覆04/30/2010 10:40:00] smile..smile V
