2010年4月8日 星期四

Paul McCartney's night

今年的 American Idol 已進入了白熱化階段,留下來的每一位都唱得很出色,

而且越唱越好,各參賽者的舞台表演越來越穩定和有信心. 這星期的主題是

Paul McCartney songbook, 我是beatles fans, 又怎會不看.  I was very impressed

by Siobhan who sang " Across the Universe" . The new rearrangement of that song is

outstanding. It was deeply touched my heart. I like her fashion too. Mostly probably

she will be an upcoming superstar... I guess.  Support you Siobhan Magnus.


一直以來 Tim Urban 的表演都是很差, 今次唱All my loving 唱得很出色 ,

加上他那把70'年代的髮型, cool.... man!  


